International Women's Day - the woman behind LashBase

Marked annually on 8th March, International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It's a day to uplift women around the world and challenge the stereotypes that us, as women, face. On this day, we focus on the importance of: 

  • Recognising women's achievements, past, present and future. 
  • Raise awareness about women's equality.
  • Fundraise and raise awareness for female focused charities 

LashBase currently employs 25 members of staff, with 18 (72%) women holding positions across a variety of different roles. All positions are led by our CEO and founder of LashBase Julie Butler.

Being in an industry led by women, we wanted to embrace the power of International Women’s Day to help women who are embarking on their journey to become a Lash Artist, who may feel alone and need the support of the lash community surrounding you.
This story is for anyone who needs a reminder to 'JUST DO IT'. Follow your dreams and make them happen!


Our founder, Julie Butler, was a stay at home mum of 3 boys in her 40’s, when she decided to change up her life by taking a leap of faith into an unknown career, unbeknown to the success LashBase would soon become.

In 2008, Julie decided to take up some beauty courses to earn some 'pocket money' and soon found a real passion for lashing after spending the past 18 years being a 'stay at home mum'.

In 2009,  she became a Lash Educator which meant she had to find supplies for her courses. There were not many places to be able to get supplies from and they were also very expensive. So Julie decided to do some research and buy her own stock to supply to her students.

That same year, LashBase was born (although back then it was named 'Kiss Lashes'). and kept supplies in her family home for when her students required more and the demand for supplies grew.

2011 was a big year. After 2 years of using her family home as a warehouse, it was time to look at commercial units which required more help, so Julie asked her husband Tony to join the LashBase team.

Time went by and LashBase began to grow. Julie knew she needed further help, so in 2014, 2 of her sons, Jamie and Dave joined the team.

For the years that followed, the focus was on customer service and product quality. This has with no doubt played a HUGE role in the success of LashBase. Julie and the team have grown a huge community of lash artists who have become part of the LashBase family.

Which brings us to 2022. After a few years of setbacks due to the pandemic, on Tuesday the 18th of January, we finally launched in the US! We have a growing team and are only becoming bigger, better and investing our time into developing exciting products our consumers will love. We would love to take the time to thank our wonderful community for supporting us and enabling Julie to create her dreams! 

Our message to you now, is that you are more than capable of achieving your dreams, no matter your age, experiences or background, you are the creator of your own destiny! Our team is always available to help with any questions, whether they are regarding lashes or your lash business!

Feel free to contact us via our Instagram @LashBase_us