As a business owner in the beauty industry you have a long list of things to balance each day, organising appointments, social media, managing stock, marketing, and so much more. With all that on your plate, it can be overwhelming and leave you feeling like you never have enough time to catch a break.

We have put together a helpful blog post, with our best advice, tips and tricks, so you can enhance the time management skills you need to reach your goals and give you a little extra time for some well deserved self care, you can thank us later!

One of the most underrated steps in time management is identifying and prioritising your goals. Start by writing down at least three goals you want to accomplish for the month ahead. Then, break down each goal into strategic steps – how will you get there? What do you have to overcome to achieve this? Where can you start? What is holding you back from your goal? Aim to do at least three things from your list every day until you accomplish a goal. Repeat with new goals each month. By defining your goals and processing the steps to get there, you’ll be able to efficiently manage your schedule and you’ll be able to look back and reflect on the progress you’ve made in business.

Leaving things until the last minute is never a good place to start a new week and doing multiple things at once is less productive than focusing on a single task, multitasking can make it more difficult for you to complete tasks successfully, which increases the amount of time spent on each individual task therefore taking you away from what’s important. To improve your productivity, create a weekly checklist with all your tasks for the week ahead and allocate “chores” to a dedicated day (for example, Friday = Take stock, Monday= Deep clean)  Doing this will give you more control of where you want to direct your attention towards business and alleviate stress.

As a self-employed lash artist, you may feel like you should be constantly connected to your phone and are struggling to shut off. Start setting boundaries with your clients, including when and how they should communicate with you. Establish your opening hours and the times you will be able to correspond to enquiries. Post these on your socials and have a clear policies that is sent to your clients upon booking. Utilise the time outside of client hours for you to focus on building your business, networking, or spending valuable time for some self care.
Here are a few helpful apps you can try out to curb the smartphone burnout  and boost your productivity Flipd, Forest, One Sec App. 

We hope this guide has helped give you some peace of mind on how to prioritise your time! To keep up with our tips and tricks, follow us on Instagram!