If you don’t already retail to your clients, it may be time to start thinking about your earning potential! Want to earn an extra $11,700 a year? If your answer is a “YES” read on…

Retailing products will be beneficial to you and your client! Why?

  • Good aftercare will ensure that their lashes last longer… if they last longer, they are happier, and if they are happier, you guessed it, they come back for more!
  • Clean lashes mean less time on your couch, which is best for you and the client, although we all love a lash nap.
  • Most importantly for you, retailing products will increase your profit turnover.

What products can you retail?

We stock a number of products that your clients will absolutely love, one of our favourites is Lash Treatment Serum ($19.99) which have an RRP of $35.00

So, therefore, you could make an extra $15.00 per client extra, just by doing them a favour and helping them look after their lashes!

Here is our calculations – $15.00 x 3 clients a day x 5 times a week x 52 weeks a year = $11,700 extra.

lashbase lash treatment serumlashbase lash treatment serum

We have a whole host of retail and after-care products available which can help your pockets and your client’s lashes, so take a look HERE.

People tend not to like a hard sell, which is why it is important to get it right when selling your products. Here are some tips to help you sell without selling:

  • Share your love of the product, tell them about your own experiences of using the product and why it’s a favourite.
  • Educate your clients as to why the product will benefit them.
  • Use the product within the lash appointment and let them know what you are using and why.
  • Give your customers time to consider the product, allow them to make their own decision. Appearing overly pushy is a turn-off for many buyers.

That rounds up ‘How to increase your earning potential’ we hope it has helped you.

Will you start retailing your products? Let us know, or if you want more info on any of the retail products please do get in touch, we are always just a phone call away or even an Instagram message.