Starting up as a Lash Artist - What do I need to do?

Starting up as a Lash Artist can feel daunting. From training to setting up your own lash space, we have put together a blog to keep you on track, this way you can focus more on the positives! Because joining the lash industry is an exciting thing and you have this blog post to help get you there!

Step 1: Training

Ready to turn your dream into a successful business? The first step is to book your training! 

Are you wanting to start with lash lifting or are you more interested in lash extensions so you can then later advance into volume or lash art? To make it easier for yourself, remember that you can always add other treatments at a later stage so at the moment you just need to decide on the FIRST course as this will be your start into the lash world.

With so many different trainers out there, we understand that it can be difficult to know who to train with without carrying out some research. A good place to start would be by looking at the trainers in your area - here’s a link to local trainers near you (click here). Before contacting them, a great tip would be to create a few questions that you would like to ask before booking, for example, what is included, how long is the course, or do you have to carry out case studies. 

Case Studies

Case studies are a great way for you to gain experience with your trainer, just in case you have any questions! This way you can take feedback from your clients during this period, to improve your service for when you begin charging for your treatments. You might think this is a hassle, after all, you just want your certificate in order to take on paying clients, right? But it’s really important to gain enough experience when working with different types of clients first. 

One of the best parts of being an eyelash extension artist is that opportunities are endless. There are always new ways to grow as an artist and a business owner. Once your business is set up and established, make sure you build in time for continuing education and growth. That way, you can stay sharp and on top of trends. 

Step 2: Admin


Being self-employed, it’s important to arrange a beauty insurance policy so you're protected at all costs. We would also recommend purchasing products from a trusted, professional company, just to ensure that they are working to their best potential. Take a look at - with over 90,000 customers, you can rely on our brand and range of top-quality products (at affordable prices). 

Step 3: Your Lash Space


Whether you are looking to work from home, go mobile, or work from a salon, there are advantages and disadvantages to each. This is why it’s important to weigh up your options to see what works best for your situation and lifestyle. 

Your brand

If you are starting the business yourself, it’s important to come up with a name that you like, and will continue to like for years - this is why it could be better to keep it simple, or even make it personal. This name will also feature on your socials, website, booking system, and email, so it needs to be professional.

Once you have the above ready to go, you can begin your journey to becoming a successful Lash Artist. Just remember that at the beginning you don’t need to go overboard, keep things simple until you feel ready to go to the next step.

Written by our award-winning Marketing Team, our Lash Artist Marketing eBook - New Lash Artist Marketing: How to build your lash business from the ground up offers an in-depth and detailed guide, covering everything you need to know on how to market and grow your new lash business successfully.

The eBook is available for $10 and covers topics such as finding your 'why', what you should charge for your lash services, online and offline marketing tools and setting up your social media profiles. Take a look by clicking the link here.

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact the LashBase team via our Instagram (@LashBase_us).