Online Lash Competition Tips

Entering an Online Lash Competition? Read This!

If you’re thinking of entering an online lash competition, firstly, well done - these are great for your business but also for your confidence as a lash artist. We’ve put together some top tips on preparing for your competition that will help reduce your stress and hopefully get you to the top!

Choosing a competition

First thing’s first, you want to choose a reputable competition. Make sure you check who organizes it and who is judging the competition. 

You only want your work judged by people who you look up to; those who are exactly where you want to be in the future. 

Check the scoring criteria

Every reputable competition will share the scoring sheet and criteria when you apply, this sheet will tell you exactly what the judges will score you on, and how you can maximize your points. 

For example, some competitions will give you extra points for using M/L curls in your set or for using more than 5 lengths in your mapping. Check the criteria and plan your lash set accordingly to get max points.

Picking a model

Pick a model with good and easy-to-lash lashes. You don't want a model who is hard to lash, as you will only stress yourself out. 

The ideal model has almond eyes, a medium number of natural lashes which are not too long, nor too short and have no gaps (and not too many baby lashes). I also recommend using a model with symmetrical eyes unless you want a challenge to correct the asymmetry with your set, which could earn you extra points if it’s done well.

Plan Plan Plan!

Pick which category you would like to compete in; classic? volume or lash lifts? or maybe creative color sets? Whatever it is, plan ahead and make sure you have enough supplies. 

Plan your lash map once you have your model and check if you have the correct thickness, length and curl in stock. Don’t forget, your work will be assessed under a microscope, it has to be the best you can do.

Photo Submission

Check when you need to submit your photos and make sure you don't miss it!

In order to the best you can and make sure you are properly prepared, it’s worth booking a full day off to do your submission work and remember to book a reliable model in advance. 

Leave a whole day to do your set and photograph it. Don't rush, if it takes you 4-5 hours then do that, most lash masters take that long when it comes to their most perfect sets. Take breaks and enjoy it. Make sure you take all the required photos and ensure they’re sharp, clear photos before your model leaves.

Send your photos in a couple days before the submission closes, and ask the organizers to check if they have received your photos. 

Don't be too hard on yourself once you receive the results, make sure you read the judges comments and fully take them in. It's all about improvement.

TIP: If you have time, do a couple of practice sets on your model, take photos and see how you can improve the set.

Remember, don't rush and enjoy yourself! You want this set to be a set that you’re really proud of! As mentioned before, don't be too hard on yourself once you receive the results, feedback and criticism will help you improve! Good luck!