How to make your clients comfortable in Summer
With temperatures starting to climb towards the summer, we thought we would put together a list of things you can do to help make summer lashing easier for you and your clients.
1. Open windows
Get some air flowing in your lash room, open up any windows and doors to circulate fresh air.

2. Close blinds
By closing blinds, you will deflect heat away from your lash room. Depending on your room, this then means you may need to invest in good lighting.
3. Purchase an Air Con unit
They may be expensive, but they are a great way to regulate your room temperature and humidity. Be sure to look at reviews and ask any lash artists who may have one for advice. You could always ask in our Facebook group - Team LashBase!
4. Contact your clients
Drop a courtesy text to your clients to let them know how your lash room feels so they can wear something comfier for their lash appointment.
5. Fan your client regularly
Try using a ProFan to cool your lash client’s down. Ask them to let you know when they would like to be fanned. It’s a nice ‘extra’ to your service, but one your client will be thankful for in the summer heat.
6. Supply refreshments
It may be a nice consideration to offer your client a light refreshment before and/or after their appointment to cool them down and keep them hydrated. After all their appointment is a long one.
Tip: if giving before, offer only a small amount otherwise they will want to use the bathroom half way through your lash set and that could be awkward!
We hope this blog has, in some way, helped you navigate summer that little bit better. Let us know over on Instagram if you have any other top tips for: How to make your clients comfortable in Summer.