How to make your business more sustainable

Here at LashBase one of our many missions is to ensure we are doing what we can to minimise our own contribution to the vast amounts of plastic waste which is unfortunately generated by the beauty industry, in the hopes that we can contribute  towards slowing  down the effects of global warming and to show our efforts amongst the industry! It’s important to be more considerate and sustainable as a brand whilst constantly educating ourselves and our customers to also be mindful of the consumption of plastic and consider how small businesses can also play their part in making this industry less wasteful.

We have been making changes to how we do things and over the last 3 years, we have built a name for ourselves through our eco-friendly alternatives as well as our packaging, a few of which include.

  • Biodegradable and eco-friendly Bamboo single use products
  • We use recyclable paper/card for our packing filler (instead of bubble wrap)
  • We have switched all of our lash ranges to cardboard rather than plastic.
  • We recycle any returned and/or faulty tweezers.
  • Our lashes come in cardboard rather than plastic packaging

The end goal is fully biodegradable lashes, but for now, the technology and manufacturing capabilities do not exist, so we have created the first ever version of what’s possible. A glimpse into the future of lash extensions. We will continue to educate ourselves and improve as and when we can!


  • Research eco-friendly but high-quality products. There are various lash extension supplies and products available. Have options for the ones that are eco-friendly and sustainable.  Try out our bamboo range of applicators, wands, cotton buds and microfibre brushes! 

  • Consider investing in energy-efficient light bulbs as they consume 75% less energy and they last longer compared to your regular light bulbs. 
  • Nowadays you can recycle almost everything.  Educate yourself of what can be recycled!  For example empty bottles should be separated from the biodegradables.

We hope this blog post has helped inspire and encourage you to be more mindful in how you think about sustainability in the lash industry.
For more helpful tips or advice, find us on instagram @lashbase_us

If you have any idea's of how we could make LashBase more sustainable, we would love to hear your ideas and feedback! Email