Valentine's Day is about Self Love

While February 14th often gets painted pink and red to celebrate romantic love, let's be honest, lash queens like you are hustling hard 24/7 - especially when clients are getting dolled up for the occasion. 

So, this year, why not flip the script on Valentine's Day? Let's celebrate the most crucial relationship you have – the one with yourself.

Self-love isn't a ‘nice to have’, it's the solid foundation for your success. It fuels your confidence, your creativity, and your drive to smash those lash goals. It can be a difficult one, but take the time to work on the relationship with yourself. Here are some tips to cultivate self-love and make this Valentine's Day special for YOU… lash boss edition:

Slay Your Lashes, Slay Your Doubts: You put so much into creating flawless lashes, now turn that magic inward. Every lash extension you apply is a reminder of your skill and artistry. Own your talent! 

Treat Yourself Like a VIP Client: Schedule a self-care spa day or something relaxing for yourself – lashes, a facial, a massage… the possibilities are endless! Even a movie night by yourself in your favorite pajamas with your favorite snacks. You deserve to be pampered, not just your clients.

Fuel Your Body, Fuel Your Business: You can't pour from an empty cup! Nourish your body with healthy food, stay hydrated, and get enough sleep - emphasis on the sleep! It’s hard to eat well when you just need a quick snack between clients and grab a chocolate bar, but taking a break to eat a nutritious lunch will do you a world of good. A healthy you is a thriving you and that will flow into your business.

Connect with Your Lash Community: Join online forums, go to industry events, or simply reach out to fellow lash artists. Surround yourself with supportive peers who understand your passion and journey.

Set Boundaries Like a Pro: It's okay to say no to clients who drain your energy or disrespect your time. Setting healthy boundaries shows self-respect and protects your precious ‘me time’. 

Give Back to Yourself: This may be harder for some, but take a break from the hustle and do something you really enjoy, guilt-free. Read a book, paint, explore a new hobby – just invest in your own happiness, your happiness is very important.

Practice Gratitude: Sometimes in life, we forget to stop and smell the roses. Reflect on the amazing things in your life – your family, your home, your friends, your loyal clients, your skills, your supportive network. Gratitude encourages happiness and fuels your drive to keep growing, so make sure you take time to reflect.

Celebrate You!: You are talented, dedicated, and passionate. This Valentine's Day, raise a glass to yourself and the incredible things you've accomplished, not just lash-related. Remember, you are worthy of love, appreciation, and success. 

valentines day lash

Now to smash your lash goals, and remember… self-love is your secret weapon.